
To apply you will have to send the following information through email, or the online application form to Stichting Toekenningen:

  • A fully filled in application (see bottom of the page);
  • A short description of the organisation and their goals;
  • A detailed description of the activity and the programme;
  • A balanced budget;
  • An explanation of the content and construction of every budget item;
  • What budget item the application is for.

To make sure that your budget meets all requirements, see the example budget at the bottom of the page.

Make sure to also keep the following into account:

  • The application needs to be turned in at least four weeks before the activity starts. In order to check we will be looking at the date on the applications, we trust that this is filled in truthfully. If due to circumstances it is not possible to hand in the application within this 4 week period Stichting Toekenningen will still take up the application in exceptional cases. In order for Stichting Toekenningen to take up your application they will expect a motivation from the organisation.
  • When possible, Stichting Toekenningen should be named on the (online) promotional material of the activity as a sponsor. Think, for example, of a Facebook post in which we are tagged, and in which it is explained that we are a sponsor of the activity. It is possible to use our logo for this, you can download our logo on the ‘about us’ page;
  • Stichting Toekenningen holds the right to visit the activity free of charge. If we want to make use of the right we will contact you.
  • In the application we would like to see what budget post is to be subsidised by Stichting Toekenningen.
  • Stichting Toekenningen does not subsidise catering costs.
  • If Stichting Toekenningen decides to subsidise, they will monitor other ways in which the activity is subsidised by the UvA.
  • Stichting Toekenningen does not subsidise promotion costs, unless the importance of this can be motivated.
  • Stichting Toekenningen grants a maximum of €750,-per activity. If in the run-up to the activity changes are made to the budget and/or activity that could influence the amount of the subsidy, we would like to be notified.

The board of Stichting Toekenningen uses the aforementioned criteria as guidelines for their decision. Correspondence about this is not possible. Stichting Toekenningen would like to receive applications through mail or through the online application form. After we received all documents, we will confirm your application through email. Within two weeks we will decide on whether or not the subsidy will be granted. You will be notified of our decision through email. If you do not make use of the online application form, you can leave the application in our pigeonhole in CREA, or send it by post to:

Stichting Toekenningen
Nieuwe Achtergracht 170
1018 WV Amsterdam

Download the application form for formation costs

Download the application form for activities

Form Apply

  • Accepted file types: pdf.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, xlsx.
  • Accepted file types: pdf.
  • Accepted file types: pdf.
  • Yes. All the fields are filled in truthfully.